Thursday, July 25, 2024

Spring Quilting Retreat

Our Quilt Lovers Homemakers' Club had a three-day spring retreat at the Kenlake Resort on Kentucky Lake. Everyone arrives and hauls in their machines, supplies, and fabric.

Eighteen members attended the three-day retreat to work on quilts and projects.  

Day 1: Lots of planning, measuring, cutting, discussing, and sewing takes place.

Day 2: Blocks are made, pieces are trimmed, pressed, and quilts are coming together. Plus, tons of talking and laughing.

Day 3: So much progress in three days of sewing, fun and laughter.

Many were presented at our monthly quilt meeting. Some are charity quits and some are show and tell.

Here's a start to finish at the retreat then presented at our monthly meeting.

Kenlake Resort is such a beautiful setting to hold our retreat. We are right on the water and the redbuds were in bloom. Quilters could take a break and go for a walk and enjoy the scenery. 

Hope you enjoyed our spring quilting retreat in Western Kentucky - Judy.

Linking to:

Needle and Thread Thursday @ My Scrap Infatuation on Wednesday

Wednesday Wait Loss @ The Inquiring Quilter
Midweek Makers @ Quilt Fabrication

Thankful Thursday @ It's A Small Town Life
Put Your Foot Down @ For the Love of Geese

Home Matters Link Party on Friday
Whoop Whoop @Confessions of a Fabric Addict on Friday

The Peacock Party @ Wendy's Quilts and More on Friday
Off the Wall Friday @ Creations, Quilts, Whatever
Finished (or not) Friday @ Alycia Quilts 

TGIF Linky Party @ Kathleen McMusings

Friday Foto Fun @ Powered by Quilting
TGIFF @ Sarah Ruiz Quilts

Sew & Tell Party @ Melva Loves Scraps on Sunday
Mosaic Monday @ Letting Go of the Bay Leaf on Sunday
Mosaic Monday @ South and Mind and so on on Sunday


  1. I can tell you all had loads of fun, but still managed to get a lot done!

  2. This post makes me miss sewing with my guild friends from North Carolina!! Looks like you all had a wonderful time in a beautiful setting; good for you!

  3. I love this. So much talent coming together for fellowship! Thank you for linking up.
