Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Charity Quilt Sew Day and More

September Charity Quilt Sew Day

Our Quilt Lovers Homemakers Club had its monthly Chairty Quilt Sew Day on September 11. Eighteen sewist came to quilt. Several tops were finished and ready to quilt. Quilts for veterans, cancer patients, and kidney dialysis patients are made each month. 

Lots of cutting of fabric, planning, and sewing blocks made for a fun day of quilting.

Quilters' Breakfast for September

Each month, we have a Quilters' Breakfast at a local restaurant here in Murray. Area quilters are welcome to attend, enjoy breakfast and talk about quilting.

Fun Day Sew

In August, we had a Fun Day Sew and worked on the Oh My Stars pattern. One of our members lead the sew day and guided us through the pattern.

There you have it for our charity quilts and Oh My Stars quilts. 

Happy quilting - Judy.

Linking to:

Monday Musings @ Songbird Designs

Design Wall Monday @ Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

To-Do Tuesday at Quilt Schmilt  

Needle and Thread Thursday @ My Scrap Infatuation on Wednesday

Wednesday Wait Loss @ The Inquiring Quilter
Midweek Makers @ Quilt Fabrication

Thankful Thursday @ It's A Small Town Life
Put Your Foot Down @ For the Love of Geese

Home Matters Link Party on Friday
Whoop Whoop @Confessions of a Fabric Addict on Friday

The Peacock Party @ Wendy's Quilts and More on Friday
Off the Wall Friday @ Creations, Quilts, Whatever
Finished (or not) Friday @ Alycia Quilts 

TGIF Linky Party @ Kathleen McMusings

Friday Foto Fun @ Powered by Quilting
TGIFF @ Sarah Ruiz Quilts

Sew & Tell Party @ Melva Loves Scraps on Sunday
Mosaic Monday @ Letting Go of the Bay Leaf on Sunday
Mosaic Monday @ South and Mind and so on on Sunday

Monday, August 5, 2024

Quilt Presentations at Our Monthly Meetings

In this post, I am combining April, May, June, and July quilt presentations at our monthly meetings. Because I had two back surgeries in April, I wasn't able to attend the April and May meetings, so I am a little behind in posting. Some of the other members took the April and May pictures for me.

April quilts presented at our Quilt Lovers Homemakers Club, Calloway County Cooperative Extension Service.

May quilts presented at the May meeting.

June quilts presented.

July quilts presented at our monthly meeting.

I'll leave you with Ann's beautiful quilt. It's a showstopper. 

I am getting back in the swing of things after my two back surgeries. April 10 was the first surgery which was a fusion of L4, L5, S1. Then I had a screw come loose in one of the rods (horrid pain) and had to have a second back surgery on April 29. Recovery has been slow and painful.

Thanks for stopping by - Judy.

Linking to:

Monday Musings @ Songbird Designs

Design Wall Monday @ Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

To-Do Tuesday at Quilt Schmilt  

Needle and Thread Thursday @ My Scrap Infatuation on Wednesday

Wednesday Wait Loss @ The Inquiring Quilter
Midweek Makers @ Quilt Fabrication

Thankful Thursday @ It's A Small Town Life
Put Your Foot Down @ For the Love of Geese

Home Matters Link Party on Friday
Whoop Whoop @Confessions of a Fabric Addict on Friday

The Peacock Party @ Wendy's Quilts and More on Friday
Off the Wall Friday @ Creations, Quilts, Whatever
Finished (or not) Friday @ Alycia Quilts 

TGIF Linky Party @ Kathleen McMusings

Friday Foto Fun @ Powered by Quilting
TGIFF @ Sarah Ruiz Quilts

Sew & Tell Party @ Melva Loves Scraps on Sunday
Mosaic Monday @ Letting Go of the Bay Leaf on Sunday
Mosaic Monday @ South and Mind and so on on Sunday

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Spring Quilting Retreat

Our Quilt Lovers Homemakers' Club had a three-day spring retreat at the Kenlake Resort on Kentucky Lake. Everyone arrives and hauls in their machines, supplies, and fabric.

Eighteen members attended the three-day retreat to work on quilts and projects.  

Day 1: Lots of planning, measuring, cutting, discussing, and sewing takes place.

Day 2: Blocks are made, pieces are trimmed, pressed, and quilts are coming together. Plus, tons of talking and laughing.

Day 3: So much progress in three days of sewing, fun and laughter.

Many were presented at our monthly quilt meeting. Some are charity quits and some are show and tell.

Here's a start to finish at the retreat then presented at our monthly meeting.

Kenlake Resort is such a beautiful setting to hold our retreat. We are right on the water and the redbuds were in bloom. Quilters could take a break and go for a walk and enjoy the scenery. 

Hope you enjoyed our spring quilting retreat in Western Kentucky - Judy.

Linking to:

Needle and Thread Thursday @ My Scrap Infatuation on Wednesday

Wednesday Wait Loss @ The Inquiring Quilter
Midweek Makers @ Quilt Fabrication

Thankful Thursday @ It's A Small Town Life
Put Your Foot Down @ For the Love of Geese

Home Matters Link Party on Friday
Whoop Whoop @Confessions of a Fabric Addict on Friday

The Peacock Party @ Wendy's Quilts and More on Friday
Off the Wall Friday @ Creations, Quilts, Whatever
Finished (or not) Friday @ Alycia Quilts 

TGIF Linky Party @ Kathleen McMusings

Friday Foto Fun @ Powered by Quilting
TGIFF @ Sarah Ruiz Quilts

Sew & Tell Party @ Melva Loves Scraps on Sunday
Mosaic Monday @ Letting Go of the Bay Leaf on Sunday
Mosaic Monday @ South and Mind and so on on Sunday

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

March Charity Quilt Sew Day and March Finishes

Our monthly Quilt Lovers Charity Quilt Sew Day was held on March 13 at the Calloway County Extension Meeting Hall. We had 14 quilters come to quilt for the day. 

Some of the charity quilts were presented at our regular March meeting and will go to our local hospital for patients receiving cancer treatments.

The red, white and blue quilts presented at the meeting will be donated to our local veterans on Veteran's Day.

More quilts for Veterans presented at the meeting.

In addition to the Veteran and Charity Quilts presented, other personal quilts made by our members were shown at the March meeting.

We hold a monthly quilters' breakfast at a local restaurant. It's always a fun morning to get together and just visit. 

Becoming a Homemakers Club is increasing our membership. We have had 4-5 new homemakers join each month.

Thanks for stopping by and happy quilting - Judy.

Linking to:

Monday Musings @ Songbird Designs

Design Wall Monday @ Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

Needle and Thread Thursday @ My Scrap Infatuation on Wednesday

Wednesday Wait Loss @ The Inquiring Quilter
Midweek Makers @ Quilt Fabrication

Thankful Thursday @ It's A Small Town Life
Put Your Foot Down @ A Quiltery

Home Matters Link Party on Friday
Whoop Whoop @Confessions of a Fabric Addict on Friday

The Peacock Party @ Wendy's Quilts and More on Friday
Off the Wall Friday @ Creations, Quilts, Whatever
Finished (or not) Friday @ Alycia Quilts 

TGIF Linky Party @ Kathleen McMusings

Friday Foto Fun @ Powered by Quilting
TGIFF @ Sarah Ruiz Quilts

Sew & Tell Party @ Melva Loves Scraps on Sunday
Mosaic Monday @ Letting Go of the Bay Leaf on Sunday
Mosaic Monday @ South and Mind and so on on Sunday

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Charity Quilts and A Huge Step

My local quilt guild took a huge step and became a Homemaker Club as part of the Calloway County Cooperative Extension Service in December. We look at this as a win/win for our quilt guild and for the Extension Service. This will give us a permanent home for our guild, a great place to have monthly meetings, sew days, and in-town retreats. We are the largest homemaker club for Calloway County Extension Service. Our guild is so excited to become a Homemaker Club! We will keep track of our service hours, and this will aid the Extension Office in applying for grants and funding for them.

One of our guild's charity projects is making veteran's quilts. I recently finished one of these and presented it at our February meeting.

Here are some of the veteran quilts donated that night.

On Super Bowl Sunday, we had our first Souper Bowl Sew Day at the Extension meeting hall. Crock pots of soup were made by homemakers and the sew day was a big success. 

Each of our homemakers brought a can of soup to donate to our local Need Line.

Our guild has just taken on a new huge charity project for our local Murray Calloway County Hospital and their new Cancer Center. We are making quilts for patients taking cancer treatments at the Center.  Here's one I donated at our February meeting.

A few others presented at the meeting.

I think this new charity project for the Cancer Center is going to grow over the months. We are just getting it off the ground. Plus, we just received 38 small size moving boxes of beautiful fabric from a member who is moving to an assisted living facility. We now have enough fabric for charity quilts to last a long time and we all have fabric we would like to donate from our stash. 

Thanks for stopping by - Judy. Happy Quilting!

Linking to:

Monday Musings @ Songbird Designs

Design Wall Monday @ Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

Needle and Thread Thursday @ My Scrap Infatuation on Wednesday

Wednesday Wait Loss @ The Inquiring Quilter
Midweek Makers @ Quilt Fabrication

Thankful Thursday @ It's A Small Town Life
Put Your Foot Down @ For the Love of Geese

Home Matters Link Party on Friday
Whoop Whoop @Confessions of a Fabric Addict on Friday

The Peacock Party @ Wendy's Quilts and More on Friday
Off the Wall Friday @ Creations, Quilts, Whatever
Finished (or not) Friday @ Alycia Quilts 

TGIF Linky Party @ Kathleen McMusings

Friday Foto Fun @ Powered by Quilting
TGIFF @ Sarah Ruiz Quilts

Sew & Tell Party @ Melva Loves Scraps on Sunday
Mosaic Monday @ Letting Go of the Bay Leaf on Sunday
Mosaic Monday @ South and Mind and so on on Sunday