I have been working on a birthday card for my grandson. The card has many folds so I thought he would enjoy watching the card open. It is embellished on both sides and was a lot of fun to make. I'll show you the finished card then back up a little to show you how it was made, a little before and after.
Here is the front of the finished card. Notice I glued some buttons with a coated piece of string so the card can be closed easily and fastened.
The card unfolds and you can see that the inside is embellished with pictures and stickers.
The back of the card is also embellished.
Here is a close-up of one of the sections of the card. You can see the card has lots of folds. I scored the card to make the mountains and valleys in the folds.
The card starts with three pieces of card stock paper. My card started with patterned paper although my sample shows the solid craft paper. I thought the solid paper might show the folds a little better for you. So here is the before picture.
Next I cut the paper to three 8 x 8 pieces, then scored each piece in half both directions and crease your scores.
Now each piece must be scored again on the diagonal so turn the sheet so it looks like a diamond shape and score again from point to point. Do this on all three pieces.
Now fold on all of the scores, On the first sheet, the fold on the diamond score will be upward (like mountains), then on the second sheet, the fold on the diamond score will be inward or down like valleys. The third piece will be folded just like the first piece (upward). Then the three sheets are glued together to form the card. Take a look at my picture of the three glued together.
Now you card is ready to decorate and embellish.
Have fun and thanks for stopping by.